Bkt OUG slope deemed safe

New Straits Times – Tuesday, 06 September 2011

KUALA LUMPUR: Residents of Bukit Jalil Condominium have been assured by Mayor Tim Sri Ahmad Fuad Ismail that the development project near their property is safe. “We can assure the residents that the hill slope is safe based on the environmental assessment carried out by lkram. The project is progressing according to the specifications set by lkram. “Ikram will carry out monthly inspections on the project and residents are urged to cooperate with us to make safety a priority.” he said after a site visit recently. Fuad assured the residents that there will be no blasting work with-out City Hall’s permission. He said construction work will stop on public holidays and weekends. “We respect the need for peace and quiet on rest days.” he said.

The residents also raised the issue of air pollution which they claimed was affecting infants and the elderly in the area. Bukit OUG Condominiums Residents Association vice-president Charles Ho said the residents were not against the development but wanted assurances that their home; would be safe, and disturbance, during construction kept to a minimum. Fuad said there are plans in the pipeline for an LRT station to be built in the neighbourhood. Upon completion, the project is expected to benefit residents. He added that the area will be undergoing a facelift. The roads will be resurfaced and a new pedestrian walk will be built. Also present during the visit were Seputeh member of parliament Teresa Kok and MCA representative Banie Chin Yen Foe